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Be A Gentleman
FM If you really want a sleek, sexy midriff, you’ve got to tweak your diet. All of the best waist-whittling foods contain fiber to banish bloat, antioxidants to boost your abs routine’s effectiveness, and protein to help maintain a healthy metabolism. Here, the top 10 choices for flatter abs. 1. Almonds These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein and […]
Continue reading »One only has to follow fashion to know that men and women typically have very different tastes when it comes to colors. But while guys might tend towards more subdued shades when it comes to the clothes they wear, they’re much more open than women to bright, bold and flashy colors for the vehicles they buy. A new study finds […]
Continue reading »Q: What’s the smartest thing a women can say? A: “My husband says.. Q: What’s the most common sleeping position of a man? A: Around. Q: What are a married man’s two greatest assets? A: A closed mouth and an open wallet. Q: Why did God give men penises? A: So they’d have at least one way to shut a […]
Continue reading »Fitness Blender Use this 10 Minute Abs Workout to focus on strengthening and toning your midsection. This workout can be used by itself or you can use it in addition to another routine to get some extra abdominal work. Though you only go through each exercise once, the 45 seconds straight for each move is more than enough to get […]
Continue reading »The vast majority of women don’t consider penis size an issue one way or the other, and that men worry about it far more than women do. The concept of ‘size’ isn’t the right way to look at it, it’s better to think about shape, and which positions can offer the most pleasure for both partners. Here are our favorite […]
Continue reading »Answer: If you’re seeing more of your balding scalp every morning in the bathroom mirror — and more of your hair on your hairbrush — treatments can help. But they may not be as simple or foolproof as you want. If your hair loss doesn’t have a specific cause — like illness — you could try medicine. Over-the-counter Rogaine is […]
Continue reading »Answer: Researchers at Kings College London analyzed data from more than 20 studies with more than 15,000 men, who underwent penis size measurements by health professionals using a standardized procedure. The average man’s lengths were 3.61 inches flaccid, 5.17 inches erect; the average circumferences were 3.67 inches flaccid and 4.59 inches erect. While it’s possible that there are racial differences […]
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