How and why men go bald

By RODNEY SINCLAIR, Independent All men lose hair progressively as they grow older.  For some the loss is barely noticeable.  For others it is obvious, and when hair loss is severe or occurs at a young age can be very distressing. The hallmark of male pattern balding is that hair loss progresses in a distinctive and highly reproducible pattern.  While this sounds […]

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What Does Your Favorite Sex Position Say about You

Menshealth: Some men love missionary, and some dudes dig doggystyle. Others like their ladies on top, while certain guys stick with spooning. Sure, your favorite sex position is probably the one that gives you the best orgasm—but on a subconscious level, your go-to move also says something about your personality in the sack.MISSIONARY The Move: Missionary is like Sex 101: It’s […]

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The 50 Best Gentleman Movies Of All-Time

By Filmsite 1. DIRTY HARRY 1972 As avenging cop Dirty Harry Callahan, Clint Eastwood shoots first and asks questions later, creating the most politically incorrect hero in movie history. With his ever ready .44 magnum (“the most powerful handgun in the world”), Clint brings unreconstructed frontier justice to criminal-coddling San Francisco, becoming a role model for law-and-order conservatives everywhere. Ronald […]

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