How and why men go bald

By RODNEY SINCLAIR, Independent All men lose hair progressively as they grow older.  For some the loss is barely noticeable.  For others it is obvious, and when hair loss is severe or occurs at a young age can be very distressing. The hallmark of male pattern balding is that hair loss progresses in a distinctive and highly reproducible pattern.  While this sounds […]

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What Is Normal Size and What Does It Mean?

Answer: Researchers at Kings College London analyzed data from more than 20 studies with more than 15,000 men, who underwent penis size measurements by health professionals using a standardized procedure. The average man’s lengths were 3.61 inches flaccid, 5.17 inches erect; the average circumferences were 3.67 inches flaccid and 4.59 inches erect. While it’s possible that there are racial differences […]

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